Monday, May 26, 2008

Blog Project- Cool Cities

Since the start of the industrial revolution, there have been some problems associated with economic development like: rises in population, increase energy consumption, traffic delay and increase in carbon dioxide be emitted into the air. If we don’t solve these problems we will need another to replace our own. By one half (50%) we will have to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the air to live within the capacity of a single earth.

In Japan during the last 30 years GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has gone up 100 percent while energy efficiency has increase 37 percent and oil consumption has decrease 8 percent. About 90 percent of carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from building and transportation. Cool City was building by SPCJ and also they are from Japan, there are three types of transportation that will be used in Cool City like hybrid, water taxi and gasoline electricity. Business culture greens are the various zones in the city. There are some techniques that will reduce heat by water, trees and roof membrane. 60% is the overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Blog Project- Carbon Footprints

First I will take about the definition of carbon footprints which mean the amount of carbon dioxide emitted due to human activity. So I measured my carbon footprint on the two links and also I wrote the number of earth I am using for it. The first link: and the number are 2.29 planets. The second link: and the number are 11.81 earths. After that I calculate both sites and the average were 7.05.

I get the earth equivalent results from four others students in the class: the first one his name Saleh Abdullah and the earth equivalent 6.515. The second student was Ali Hasan and the earth equivalent 6.525. The third student was Saqer Saleh and the earth equivalent 8.305. The last one was Omar Salem and the earth equivalent was 8.225. Finally I will going to talk about three ways I contribute most to greenhouse gases. The first way I don’t use bus, the second way I don’t recycle, the last way is every week I travel to Dubai.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

first: press the link( download conflict diamond)
then the web will open. in the bottom of the page you will see ( doawload file) press there and you will see page press also open. then it will open to my powerpoint

Download conflictdiamonds.ppt

Monday, May 5, 2008

Opinion "An Inconvenient Truth"

This subject talks about the global warming. Al Gore talks about a very important points regarding about global warming. The film includes many points about the global warming which are unproven. My opinion for this film is that it’s very important to know about global warming and the effects of global warming because many people in European continent have died from global warming.

The film style of Al Gore was very interesting and it was very serious because sometimes he smiles and other times he speaks seriously. I learnt from the film many things and new things which I didn’t know about it before. For example how global warming is effecting and changing the climate. I advise everybody to cooperate with Mr. Al Gore to face this king of problems. We should not stop up to here and say this is difficult and impossible because it’s impossible. It is just an opinion.

Global Warming _ An Inconvenient Truth

Albert Arnold Al Gore was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States. He talks about global warming and he was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. The film includes many segments intended to refute critics who say that global warming is unproven or that warming will be insignificant.

Al Gore in the film talks about many points like the effects of global warming. Gore said the glaciers around the world will melt and also 40% of people on earth get their drinking water from the rivers fed by glaciers. As can be shown when you compare the two graphs of temperature in the northern hemisphere and CO2 concentrations in the past 1000 years they increase together. The storms are one of the consequences if the ocean temperature rising.

Gore mentions some of the changes in ecological niches like birds and disease. Also he warns about melting water from Greenland because of its lower salinity, and also in melt water from Greenland, because of its lower salinity. We have to solve this problem together.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Social Issues- Lebanon


Beirut is the capital city of Lebanon. Lebanon is about the size of Yorkshire, yet its people come from an amazing mixture of backgrounds and religious groups. Lebanon was a very important country in history. It was called in the bible “the land of milk and honey”. “Paris of the east” was the nickname for Beirut. Shakira who’s a famous singer is half Lebanese. There are five countries which surround Lebanon which are: Syria, Jordan, Israel, Turkey and Cyprus.

Modern History

There were tensions between Muslims and Christians from independence in 1943 as Christians held the balance of power and Lebanese Muslim had little say. In 1948 after the Arab Israel war there was an influx of Muslim refugees into Lebanon. In 1975 members of a radical Christian group attached and killed a bus full of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. The result of the tensions were revenge killings and violence had begun to spiral out of control when Syria sent 20000 troops to quash radical Muslims 2000 Palestinians were killed only in one massacre. In 1982 the Israel army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinian liberation Organization. A peace deal reached in 1989 in spite of these invasions the cost of the conflict of the human and economic was 150000_ 200000 killed, 300000 were wounded and economy was paralyzed.

Lebanon Now

There are four signs of social and economic recovery in Beirut which are: newly built highways that carry high-speed traffic, building cranes are every where, US style shopping malls have sprouted up across the city and on the Corniche and you can see business men in western suits. Also there are some current problems in the country For example electricity life necessities are too expensive. Another problem is 300000 young people have left and foreigners are getting the benefit from this country without taking care of it.


"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. Spring 2006. Royal Geographic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .